June 17th Weekly Summary - Real Money Account Profit $1153 - Sim Account Profit $3825

Week in Review

Was a pretty consistent week.
Did well in both the Real Money Account and the Sim account.

Also did well on the Simulation of the Bonds trading with a profit of $2026 for the week.
We will run this simulation for a while to see how it performs.

Real Money Account Summary & Chart

Did not get into any big trouble and hit my profit target each day, for the Real Money account.
I averaged $230 per day and made over $250 on Friday.

I am going to accelerate my target schedule and aim for $250 per day next week.

Real Account Equity Chart

The account is growing nicely and the ROR is approaching 30%.

Sim Account Summary & Chart

I continue to do well in the Sim Account, $3,825 profit for this week.
$765 per day average.
I trade more aggressively and with more contracts in the Sim account.


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